
Morning Report - 3-9-14 - Game Notes

Saturday’s game –

        SP Noah Syndergaard got a taste of a major league starting lineup and did struggle… 3.0-IP, 2-ER, 2-H, 3-BB, 3-K.The fastball still ran up to 97, but the control just wasn’t there. To make matters even worse, a grounder got by second baseman Eric Young that allowed the two runs to score. It really doesn’t matter if the plays are called for errors or not. Right now, the Mets suck in the field.

        The Mets did load the bases in the sixth inning with no outs… but scored only one run on a double play.

        Jake deGrom impresses again. Three game stat line: 3-G, 6.0-IP, 0-ER, 6-K, 1-BB 0.00. This is some serious trade bait being developed here.

(here we are… after six innings… and have given up only two runs… but, have scored only one…how many times have we talked about this?)

Joel Carrero pitched the seventh inning… he continues to impress after four outings (0.00)…

A first baseman won the game… frankly, we don't get the chance to write too often about the Mets coming back and winning a game that they were losing all day. Still, the victory goes to the pitching staff that held Detroit to only two runs.

We're also starting to form some opinions here on what's going on in camp. It's obvious that shortstop and first base is in flux and the general defense throughout the field is costing this team victories. The Mets aren't talented or deep enough to kick the ball around. They have to have stellar defense if they have any chance of reaching 90.....  J.H.C... why in the hell did he have to throw out this number? We all would have been thrilled in the 80-85 range.

Anyway, there is some good news... everyone said Juan Lagares had to hit to keep his job and he's doing just that... as we discussed earlier, Eric Campbell is emerging as a prime candidate for one of the utility spots... Joel Carrero is making it hard to ignore him...  John Lannan looks to be taking away Josh Edgin's pen spot... and Jacob deGrom is going to make it very hard to send his arse to Las Vegas.

I really don't know what to do with all this pitching. Right now, my 5th starter would be either Rafael Montero or deGrom, but I can't see that happening under TC.

It's hard to play this game without a shortstop. I've never seen something like this in my entire life. 


Tom Brennan said...

Terry needs to open his eyes. Only the Mets...I was anxious to see which bum wins 1st base and which wins SS...and the prime guys never play ant opening day is 3 weeks away!

David L. Whitman said...

Mack-re: pitching--you hold onto it, all of it. Today a team needs to be 7 deep in the rotation-I'm not counting retreads like Dice and Lannan. Injuries do and will happen. This may sound like cliche, but don't trade tomorrow for today, unless today's trade can help you tomorrow.

Mack Ade said...

Thomas -

You can hear the frustration in TC's short answers.

This is now just an ego game between Boras and Alderson, that Alderson feels he will lose face if he gives in to Drew's demands.

I actually worry as much about irst base right now. Hamstrings take some time to come back from and Matt Clark looks to be our only option (what happened to Alan Dykstra?).

I can't wait for today's game (sic)...

Mack Ade said...

D Whit -

7 deep ? Try 10-11 deep by next year

Fine, have it your way. Then, you don't have a shortstop or a first baseman.

bgreg98180 said...

Dykstra suffered a bad leg injury this winter

Mack Ade said...

Metsiac7 to me
Hi, Mack,
Q:What was missing when Alderson made his "90 Wins" comment?

A: The Tugger. Didn't that comment call for a very loud "Ya Gotta Believe"?

Herb G said...

Regarding SP #5, don't blame TC if one of the vets gets it. Alderson doesn't want to lose either matsuzaka or Lannan to their opt out clauses, if he can avoid it. Thus look for Dice-K to get the rotation and Lannan to end up in the pen, unless they screw up big time going forward. Also, Lannan won't be taking Edgin's place, since he isn't all that effective against left handed batters. They may just go with one lefty specialist.