
Ernest Dove - Is Matt Harvey Making the Right Decisions With is Rehab?

  Since October of 2013, all of Mets universe wanted one thing (well, ok, I'm sure a lot more then one, but......) everyone wanted Matt Harvey to get on the mound as soon as possible and continue the famous 'Harvey Day' every 5 days.  Low and behold, its about 10 months later, and many in this same universe now have the same mantra........ why so soon???
  I've been trying to read up on all the information I can regarding the quite/public rift of sorts going on between Harvey and management (I have a baby, there's not much time to write, let alone read these days).  All I can think about right now is what Harvey's status is...... not as possible future Mets Ace and hero, but as an employee...... or should I say, more of a 'private' contracted employee. 
  You see, despite all the support and/or backlash going on in Mets twitterverse, the one thing to remember here is that Matt Harvey, in the end, is responsible for Matt Harvey.  He's under contract to play for the New York Mets. However, the New York Mets do no OWN Matt Harvey.  Again, he is
'working adult'...... who obviously holds a pretty high profile form of employment. 
  Now think about it........A few years ago, I hurt myself 'on the job'......... well, I don't mind being honest, it was a agency softball game, and my stupid self was wearing tennis shoes....... on dirt....... and I ended up hitting the ball, and falling awkwardly on my shoulder while rounding the bases.  Now, the type of work I do (yeah, I'm not a hotshot paid writer here) is not worth mentioning and getting into...... what I'm simply trying to state is that I went on workers comp, saw a Dr. a few times, and was cleared to go back to work...... So, I simply went right back to work..  Now, this is obviously much different, yet slightly the same.  You see, in the end, Matt Harvey got hurt, on the job.  Matt Harvey got the medical advice he needed, made his decisions about how to best take care of himself, and he ultimately had surgery.  And now, 10 months later, he is medically cleared to...... shall we way, go back to work part-time.
  Now, here comes the tricky part.  Its the part where everyone chooses a side, good vs evil, and tries to make decisions that are better for them, and not necessarily for everyone.  So, we know the Mets organization and their standpoint.  It was probably a couple weeks later then some fans figured, but the organization realized just recently that they are not competing for a playoff spot this year.  And so, they see even less need, on any basis whatsoever, to rush Matt Harvey back onto a mound anytime soon, even though he appears to be medically cleared (technically) to throw a baseball, which is his job.
  Now, again, contrary some others beliefs, the Mets can't simply 'force' Matt Harvey to sit in a room, somewhere in Port St. Lucie, and go to Dr. appointments ever day, and eating an apple a day (or however the saying goes).   Its ultimately Harvey's decision, because its ultimately Harvey's career. Matt Harvey isn't Ernest, hopping in his car, and driving to his 40 hour a week job. Matt Harvey is more of a private contractor, with his own agent (like a head hunter for businessman). And as such, Matt Harvey can ultimately decide whatever he wants, even though its still so early in his career (think NFL people. Think Eli Manning, and John Elway before him making decisions that affected teams on draft night).
  Maybe, to some, they never realized how much power Matt Harvey had, off of a mound (and aside from the ladies standpoint). 
  So, anyway, back to the actual decisions being made here. We are all reading that Matt Harvey is not only 'throwing', but he's pushing mid 90s on his fastball, even right after Jeremy Hefner just found out his season is gone again before it even had a chance to restart. Matt Harvey wants to pitch. Matt Harvey is a bulldog. Matt Harvey has an ego. Matt Harvey is dedicated.  Matt Harvey strives for perfection. However you want to classify him, the fact remains is that he is doing what he feels that is put on this earth to do right now, which is to play baseball.  However, should he be waiting just a little bit longer?
  Obviously, no two ligaments are made the same.  No matter how many new TJS cases have come up this year, and no matter the results of Hefner's negative results, it's still on a case by case basis.  And, in this case, the man wants to throw caution to the wind, in order to throw a baseball off a Citi Field mound a lot sooner then some want.
  As I'm writing this, Mr. Strasburg was finishing up his masterpiece against or beloved Mets.  Since returning from his own TJS, I've seen him have a low ERA and low win total (not his fault), and I see this year he's still a below .500 pitcher (9-10) with an ERA over 3.50......but his velocity appears to be ok, and he is still striking folks out.... a lot.....
  But, I'm not here to compare.  I'm here, like all of us, to currently speculate. Speculate as to what is best for Matt Harvey.  But, you know what, I'm not a Doctor.  I'm not on the managerial staff. I'm not one of his friends or family....... and, oh yeah, I'm not Matt Harvey................................
I'm just a fan. A fan of a game, and of a team that Matt Harvey wants to race out and play for, despite the concerns...... And, for that, I remain a fan of Matt Harvey.  Whether its in September in New York, October in a winter ball league, or April in Port St. Lucie, I'll still be a fan................... Here's to hoping I'm a fan of an active pitcher/ace/hero on the Mets during one of/all of those times.


Mack Ade said...

Anybody I know tell me that Matt Harvey is going to do what Matt Harvey wants to do. Period.


Ernest Dove said...

Its just one of those things my friend. People can say he has an ego and/or loves the spotlight, but the truth is that he does something that MOST people on the planet simply don't have a chance to do. Its any sport, its like any CEO, its like any actor, dancer, singer, etc. You can't always make it to pure success by being a sweet, quite and unasuming individual.
He's not pretending to be the best. Hes STRIVING and EXPECTING to be the best. And thats exactly what has helped him get to where he is today in his profession........

Michael S. said...

I know his attitude pisses people off, but it's what makes him the leader of the staff. This team needs guts and Harvey has them in spades.

Steve from Norfolk said...

No how much ego, or bulldog, or confidence Matt Harvey has, if he has an ounce of common sense, what happened to Jeremy Hefner should scare him s**tless. He cannot accomplish one thing by pitching in a game this year except risk wasting all the pain and hard work he has put into his rehab. With all the repeat TJS we saw this year, why add to the risk of joining that select group. These repeat injuries weren't happening anywhere near as much when 18-24 months was the norm for a rehab period. He's got 6 more months before he has to get ready to pitch. Please, Matt, give your arm that extra time! We want to see you oitch for another 20 years and push Nolan Ryan's records, not run out of ligaments you can use to rebuild your elbow before you hit 30.

Steve from Norfolk said...

Add the word "matter" after "No".