
Omar To Return in 2011 as Mets GM

Per Mike Puma/NYP:
Omar Minaya isn’t going anywhere.

Mets owner Fred Wilpon gave his beleaguered general manager a vote of confidence on Thursday even as the team continues to sink in the standings. The Post asked Wilpon if Minaya would be back next year.

“Is the sun going to come up tomorrow?” Wilpon said, indicating he has no intention of firing Minaya.

Wilpon was also asked about the job performance of his son Jeff, who is the Mets’ COO.

“Excellent, everybody knows that,” Fred said.


BrooklynTrolleyBlogger said...

typical Wilponianism! They are not going to eat the rest of his contract either. I felt a 300 word rant coming on...I'm fighting it! I don't want your site to crash! LOL

Mack Ade said...

Anytime you really want to rant about it... email me your real email address to macksmets@gmail.com and I'll invite into the blog as a writer...

Cornelius Hoss said...

What is Wilpon supposed to say unless he plans on cleaning house immediately? The good thing for all of us is that the Wilpon family seems to pay attention to the local media. As the Mets continue to fall out of contention, the drums will beat louder for new management. Now obviously managwement is not the only problem, but a good baseball mind could make things more interesting as a fan.

Mack Ade said...

you are right... you or I would have said the same thing.

What's more important is the Board of Directors of the Mets are paying attention, especially to the ever-decreasing profit.

BrooklynTrolleyBlogger said...

Sounds like a plan.