
INJURY UPDATE - SS - Julio Inglesias

Tigers shortstop Jose Iglesias will miss most of the 2014 season with a shin injury, Jim Bowden of ESPN tweets, citing a player close to Iglesias. The injury has fueled speculation that the Tigers will now pursue Stephen Drew, Bowden notes.

Mack - What will be interesting here is to watch how long it will take Scott Boras to fit his client with a Detroit uniform.

If that happens, all our opinions that the Alderson-Boras hold up has always been personal, will be proven true.



Reese Kaplan said...

Well, obviously Detroit (like Atlanta earlier this week) showed how winning teams address problems. Drew is not my number one solution, but the price for trade targets goes up significantly once Drew signs with Detroit.

Mack Ade said...

And Detroit will pay the freight because they want to win in 2014.

Herb G said...

Reese -

It's premature to say Detroit showed how winning teams address problems, since they have done nothing so far. I don't doubt that they will, because they pinned so much on Iglesias when they let Peralta walk. But let's hold off on pinning medals on them until the make a move.

I find it hard to fathom a shin problem putting a player out for the season. I guess maybe a deep bone bruise, of the type Davis incurred in the collision with Wright, could do it. They didn't say he broke anything.

I'm not as sure as Mack that it is all personal with Sandy/Scott. Alderson has always shown great patience, and it has payed off for him in the past. I think he was waiting Drew/Boras out, figuring that he'd get him right after opening day, when there was no possibility that we could make him a QO again next fall. This time, he may have screwed himself. We can only hope that the Iglesiaas injury lights a fire under Alderson, and he moves decisively either in Drew's direction or in making a trade.

Michael S. said...

I'd still rather try to trade spare parts for Franklin. I think whoever gives Drew the $ he wants will be disappointed.

Mack Ade said...

My guess at this point is that the Iglesias injury WILL speed things up for (as Herb said) Sandy, and Franklin will become a Met