
In Focus - LHRP Danny Young


Pitch Profiler                       @pitchprofiler 

Danny Young threw his sweeper with 19 inches of horizontal break at 83 mph today


Mack –

Danny is doing everything he can to make the 26 this spring.

He threw one scoreless inning yesterday, giving up 1-H, 0-R, 0-BB, 1-K.

He’s had four appearances so far in spring training and his ST stats are:

0-0            2.25  0.75  4-IP  4-K

And… he’s a lefty.

So… I ask you…

Is he on your 26?


Mack Ade said...

Donavan Walton and Urèña outrighted to AAA Syracuse

Mack Ade said...

Mike Puma just said Young made the 26

Paul Articulates said...

He is just off my 26. The Mets will have to go with just one lefty reliever to start the season. He'll make it sooner though.

Remember1969 said...

Danny Young is on my 26