
Morning Report - 3-14-14 - Cam-Chat, SPs, Aces, Chinaman, Umps, Game Notes

Coming Up –

        10 am -    Mack - Pick Up The Phone, Sandy

        12 noon – D Whit -  Unpopular Opinion-Don't trade for Franklin or Gregorious

2 pm –     Ernest Dove - The Forgotten Men In The Outfield

4 pm -    Top 10 LHP In 2014 MLB Draft - Updated 3-10-14

6 pm -   Derek Fisher, Carlos Rodon, Alex Jackson, Marcus Wilson

8 pm –   1B/C - Kevin Cron - TCU

10 pm – SB Nation – Mock

Cody Jones ‏@CJonesScout - #Gators RHP Karsten Whitson has been removed from the weekend rotation.

One of my sources told me that 'someone told him' that they thought they saw P Luis Mateo in camp and in uniform... how accurate is that?

Today's games - 

       NC State vs Florida State (Carlos Rodon vs. Luke Weaver)

       LSU vs. Vanderbilt  (Aaron Nola vs. Tyler Beede)

Sprayberry (GA) 3B Michael Chavis with another HR tonight. Has 4 2B, 4 HR and a .621/.711/1.172 line over 10 G w/ 8 SB     

Cam-Chat –

          Comment From Guest - Now that it is down to Drew and Morales who signs first? Do both of these guys fall in as constellation prizes for Toronto and Baltimore respectively now that Santana has signed?

Dave Cameron: I’d guess Drew is the more likely of the two to wait until after the draft. I’d think Morales signs with Baltimore or Seattle pretty soon.
Comment From Chris - If you were the Mets, how would you handle your current SS and 1B situations?

Dave Cameron: Make a couple of trades.

SPs –

        Thanks to Jeff Zimmerman‘s excellent work, we know that teams averaged 360 days lost to the DL from their starters, in six trips. Knowing that there will be six trips to the DL that average 60 days long, can we find out how likely it is that two (or more) starters will be on the DL at one time? Matt Murphy helped slice the data, and it looks like the following things are true of the average team in a given year, given the information above:

* There’s an 11% likelihood that two starters will be injured at the same time.

* There’s a 4% likelihood that three starters will be injured at the same time.

* Teams will need to use an eighth starter for a six games a season, on average.

* There’s even a 1% likelihood that *four* starters will be injured at the same time.

* Even if a team only suffers four 60-day DL stints, that team will only have a complete opening day rotation for 36 games (22% of the season). http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/so-how-many-starters-does-a-team-need-then/

2 Aces –
Before Matt Harvey was hurt, he was virtually perfect. Before Matt Harvey was perfect, he was imperfect, just another talented young pitcher a bit rough around the edges. The emergence of Harvey took a few of the spotlights away from Zack Wheeler, but Harvey going down bumped Wheeler front and center. Wheeler, now, is the great hope for 2014, and should he be able to reach his lofty potential, then come 2015 one might observe one of the rarest of breeds, that being the optimistic Mets fan. Harvey’s an ace if he can come back healthy. Wheeler’s an ace if he can just polish his game. It’s exciting to root for a team with two aces. http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/zack-wheelers-catching-and-zack-wheelers-pitching/

There was a time that comments like the ‘Chinaman’ bad joke stayed in the clubhouse. Most of this kind of humor comes from old guys like me that don’t realize that the Don Rickles type jokes aren’t kosher anymore… oops… sorry.
Anyway, Jon Niese got pissed and let his feelings be known to all the beat reporters hanging around like bad flys…

Anthony Rieber    @therealarieber - Jon Niese to a group of reporters: "Stop Tweeting about our clubhouse. That ----'s got to stop."

You just knew this info would get out via a tweet, didn’t you?

My opinions on the ‘quality’ of human beings being hired as Mets beat reporters has been long documented. Suffice to say, my generation left these kind of non-stories in the clubhouse. Nothing is sacred anymore and the youth being hired has no loyalties to anyone but their hand held. That’s the new world we live in.

Bill Metsiac

Hi, Mack,I just had an idea for a new stat, now that we're entering the age of Instant Replay in MLB, and I'd like your thoughts. Suppose we track the number of challenges by mgrs per umpire, and then rated the umps by % of challenges that reversed the call. So if "umpire A" had 50 calls challenged in a season, and in 40 of them he was overruled, he'd get a 20% rating (10 of 50 upheld).My money'd be on Hernandez and Buckner to lead the majors in blown calls.What say you?

MackActually, I like it. Trust me, there will be someone in MLB that will keep tract of the win-loss record by each umpire that raises his hand in the air for a decision that then becomes reviewed. My guess it will also clean up any personal bias against certain teams which will become more obvious as the seasons go on.

Game Notes –

Is it me, but does Dice-K give up a run every first inning he pitchers? Boy, it is an adventure watching this guy pitcher… two hits in the first two innings… a wild pitch… what exactly does TC see here? I’m never going to understand why or be comfortable with this guy on my team… 3.2 IP, 3 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 4 K, 1 WP, 62 pitches (39 strikes)… I’m sorry, I just don’t drink the water.

Entire Mets offense first time around the lineup was a walk by Anthony Recker (.417) and a single by Matt den Dekker (.471).’DD’ is doing everything he can to win the 5th outfielder.

Anybody tracking Ruben Tejada’s spring batting average?

I just looked and saw that coming up in the third is ‘Murphy, Wright and Granderson’… I like the ring to that! Got one single out of that from David… and then Josh Satin (.318) showed why he’s now a major leaguer.

Tejada had his 3rd error on a routine grounder… came after hitting into inning ending double play… this is infield suicide

Rafael Montero came in for the third out in the 4th inning. Sany Alderson has said that the Mets are considering Montero for the April pen… is this the first sign?

Noah Syndergaard struck out two in a 9-pitch 5th inning… two more Ks in his second inning…  he did wind up giving up a run, but finished with 5-K in 3.2-IP… this was basically against the Nats’ ‘A’ team… are we sure about Vegas?

(this is exactly the six inning scenario I have talked about in the past…give up only one run in six innings and let the pen bring you home…)

The Mets scored three in the 8th… but Thor (unfair 5.19-ERA) got in trouble and Jake deGrom (unfair 1.42-ERA) couldn’t hold the lead (3-R HR by Brock Peterson)…

          (my scenario only works if the pen works…)

Kirk Nieuwenhuis led the team back again in the top of the 9th with a bases loaded single.

          (okay… one more chance for the pen…)

They let deGrom stay in to clean up his own mess, which he did.

Mets win.


Tom Brennan said...

Pulling for Dekker over Kirk...any guy who could go 9 for 90 with 40 K's in a stretch spanning 2012 and 2013, as Kirk did, is a K-strew, major slump just waiting to happen. I think Dekker will also have his K's but figure out how to be a valuable player.

Montero in pen in April works for me. The likelihood of this pen being a strength, rather than an early season disaster as in recent years past, goes way up if he is in there.

just get Drew, spend the $$, keep the prospects, and use them later in a big trade - I am not suggesting who, or a trade for what, at that later date, but I am also nervous with trading Plawecki, who I think will rake, when d'Arnaud still needs to show he can consistently hit at the Big Boy level.

On SS, I will just say it one more time - if I were the Mets, I'd have tried Lagares back at SS - yes, he was bad in his teens at SS, lots of errors, but his awesome OF defense shows maturation, and maybe he'd bring that to SS and be average to superior with some time there, and bring an above average SS bat to the position as well. Hypothetical, ain't happenin'.

Anonymous said...

Personal Notes from yesterdays game....

Daisuke is putting up quite the fight against Mejia. Jenrry is going to have to pitch very well in Vegas this weekend. He doesn't hold runners very well though. 2 SB's against him and d'Arnaud. As soon as he left d'Arnaud threw someone out.

Tejada looks like he's lost all confidence ala Jason Bay.

With as well as Satin has been playing, he may end up winning the 1B job outright. Also puts Zach Lutz's 40 man roster spot in jeopardy.

Seratelli is starting to fall behind Quintanilla in the battle for back-up Middle IF.

Mack Ade said...

Thomas -

Ya know, I covered Savannah or Morris News Service in 2007-2010 and I was there when Lagares and Hector Pellot were signed and arrived. They were supposed to be the 'middle field' answer to our future problems and the Mets had a scout say that Lagares was further along than Reyes was at the same time he was coming up.

Then they put the two of them out on the Grayson Stadium infield and they couldn't turn a play. Seems they both didn't have the ability to catch a ground ball that was hit to them. They actually were used to balls hitting stones in the poor infields they had played in as kids (hell, they still were kids) and no one ever taught them how to go after a ball coming straight at them.

Tim Teufel did everything he could to turn the situation around, but it didn't work. I think they went 1/2 in errors in A-ball that year.

Mack Ade said...

One thing about Q... he's not going to embarrass himself in the field.

Ernest Dove said...

Is Mejia healthy? Can he pitch 150-175 innings from the SP5 spot ?
If so........then why the hell is he not the obvious choice?
Its time for some trades..........
Trade Mejia, because ur only gonna keep screwing with him.
Trade Flores, because ur not really plAying him Anyway.
If degrom is not going to be in the rotation, and is not in the 2014 bullpen, then trade him.

Mack Ade said...

Ernest, Mejia is 1000% healthy... today.

Wilmer Flores' name never comes up in trade talks. No one trades for a potential DH player unless he lits 25-35 HRs a year

And deGrom has proven nothing. Up to a few years ago, he was a shortstop.

Ernest Dove said...

Shortstop? Perfect lol. Start him there. Can he hit over .200?

Tom Brennan said...

Great insight on Lagares, Mack - thanks

Unknown said...

Just play all the young guys and give them the whole year to prove what they got. Put Flores at second and Murphy at first(or trade him to orioles or dodgers). Say sayonara to matzuzaka and give Mejia the ball. Lagares is our center fielder all year long and make EY play once a week in left and 2ndbase.
And please don't make Montero or DeGrom options in the pen. Let them stay starters that's where the value is highest.

Reese Kaplan said...

As I said earlier this week in my Bizarro World column, why is it obvious to everyone except Terry Collins (and, to a lesser extent, Sandy Alderson) what needs to be done to address the obvious problems on the team. I've said it before and I'll say it again...there's a definition of insanity in which you keep doing the same thing over and over but expect different results. Davis. Duda. Tejada. Young. Matsuzaka. Ugh!

Mack Ade said...

Reese -

I have a feeling you aren't going to very happy this year...