Everybody, it seems, wants to deal, deal, deal.
Deal Brandon Nimmo?
'Cause he can't play CF?
'Cause he can't play CF?
Or so you think?
Then heck, trade him...FAST!
Don't just sit there...
Do it quick, man...
So we can get over our misery already.
So we can get over our misery already.

The smiling Mr. Nimmo (the clear MLB leader in showing off the pearly whites) had a serious neck injury in mid April 2019, just as he started to do what he always seems to - get on base A WHOLE LOT.
He then floundered, eventually went on the DL, sadly missed months, and finally came back healthy late in the season.
Over those last 93 late season, post-injury plate appearances?
He had a superb .430 OBP.
He had a superb .430 OBP.
The year before? A stellar .404 OBP.
Let's add 2018 to that last healthy segment of 2019 together, shall we? Don't get upset, let me do it for you.
It looks like THIS:
628 plate appearances, .263/.408/.494.
With 32 doubles, 9 triples, and 22 HRs.
THAT .408 OBP?
And surely, he would have had more doubles, triples, and HRs than the 63 XBH that he had if he not walked and been hit by pitches a very high 127 times in those 628 plate appearances (20% of his PAs!)
And you don't need a baserunner eraser on your # 2 pencil when it comes to the quick-afoot Nimmo, because he has only grounded into double plays in 12 of his 1,084 career plate appearances.
Compare his GDPs to good ol' Mr. Wilson Ramos, who in 2018 and 2019 had less plate appearances (940) but GIDP 36 times. Ramos needs a BIG eraser.
Tell me again...
Do you still want to trade Nimmo?
Tell me again...
Do you still want to trade Nimmo?
Not me.
Repeat after me:
Have I helped you to make the right decision?
OK, then, put down the "trade" gun.
Now put your hands behind your head.
We have a psychiatrist that can help you.
Now put your hands behind your head.
We have a psychiatrist that can help you.
There! Crisis resolved. Sanity returns.
Nimmo stays!
Nimmo stays!
I think you will get your wish, though he will split time in center.
Center Field??
Say Hey, Nimmo!
Willie Mays career OBP .384, Brandon Nimmo .387. Just sayin'!
Unless Nimo is traded in a deal for a centerfielder like Mookie Betts, I just don't see the justification for trading him.
'Jimmy's' comment moved to 11 AM post
I repositioned an excellent comment by 'Jimmy' here to an 11am post, which made him furious.
My apology.
I did it as an honor.
Would have liked to see it.
It was a great comment like all of his comments have been.
Lost a good reader I would love to have a do-over with here.
Hope he does come back - I find his comments by and large well reasoned and valuable
AMEN!! Apparently, even though OPS is a stat that most baseball personnel have come to value at the highest level, people forget that Nimmo led the damn league in it in 2018 when he was healthy!!! He had stenosis in his neck, something I have as well, and just the fact that he battled back from it and still had a great OPS late in the season (in spite of his horrific batting average) should say that we can most likely expect similar results in 2020. He will probably share time more this year in an outfield that COULD become very crowded should Cespedes indeed come back healthy, with Marisnick and JD Davis and Dom Smith all in the OF mix. But for goodness sake, forget MARTE and his declining skills and just stay with our smiling, happy and wonderful Nimmo!!
The Nets have a potentially great team now, and I'm terrified they will trade away Nimmo or Davis despite the outfield logjam if Cespedes returns. Nimmo can improve in CF, and this was JD's first OF attempt. After Alonso, JD is the Met's most feared hitter. Spring training should be devoted to his improvement both at 3B and the OF.
Also, don't trade Matz or make him a reliever. He is still learning, and the last few months of the season saw him become a potential star pitcher.
To Unknown - please make yourself "Known" by even picking a nickname.
I agree with you on Nimmo - who wants so-so defense, but I will take it from a guy if he has a .410 on base % any day. The ability to score defines a team, and getting on base a lot correlates to scoring a lot.
I think McNeil is their second most feared hitter after Pete, but we'll see if JD Davis can prove you right in your choice of JD as second best.
I can't imagine Davis does not have improved D in 2020 - he's not stupid - so if his bat does not regress, he will HAVE to play a lot. And if Cespedes returns healthy, there will be a log jam indeed - but it will sure be nice if someone gets hurt and despite that, there is a strong player playing at every position. The Mets' back end of the bench over the past two seasons has simply been brutal. Avoid that like the plague in 2020.
Matz had a great second half, I agree - and this year, all starters may look better by winning more starts (especially Jake) due to an improved bullpen.
Keep posting your comments - they are welcome.
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