
Tom Brennan: Mets Action Galore

No, no trades….yet….but if the Mets keep losing…

The Mets led 3-0 after 5 today, with Quintana humming and HRs from Alonso, Bader and McNeil, who now has 3. Maybe he read my criticism and got pissed at me.  

A win was inevitable- well no, not actually.

The Q Man gave up 3 runs in the 6th and then the pen gave up 3 more, and a 6-3 loss it was. 20 losses in 29 games. Easy breezy.


He had a hit and walk in 4 trips (.357). Lindor had 2 hits, and the manager was happy to note that Lindor was now above the Mendoza Line at .203. And half way to Ted Williams’ .406.


Joey Lucchesi was OK for 3 innings but didn’t make it a full 5 IP, getting hammered for 10 hits and 7 runs in the battle for first place in the International League. 

Nonetheless, the S Mets led late, but Cole Sulzer coughed up 2 late gophers in a 12-10 loss.

LA Acuna edged over .240, and maybe he is about to accelerate.

Binghamton? Nolan McLean was dandy for 2 but then allowed a couple of HRs, and Clenney allowed 7 runs in his outs-starved relief outing. 

Down 11-3 in the 8th, Ryan Clifford (who had doubled earlier) hit a 3 run bomberooski to cut the gap to 11-6. Then Jeremiah Jackson soloed, and it was 11-7. But…it ended in a 12-7 loss.  Good, though, to show some fight.

Parada had 2 hits, including a HR, and is up to .198.

In Brooklyn Kade Morris threw an excellent 6 innings (1 run, 7 Ks), good for the 2023 3rd rounder, in a tidy 3-1 win.

St Lucie scored a lot, but gave up a lot, losing 8-7, and falling to 14-27, just 14 games behind the Phillies’ Clearwater club.


The FCL Mets (8-5) won 9-7. There were 10 errors in the game, but thankfully, our guys made only 3 of them. Their bats were unusually quiet - except in an 8 run inning. I love 8 run innings. 

19 year old first baseman Jake Zitella has done swell in his first 13 games in the FCL (.348/.434/.435). Jake doesn’t turns 20 until next spring training, so he is barely 19 right now.

So, everyone:

Let’s say something nice about Jake in the comments section today, hah?


My Mom was a Mets fan, and used to go to all of my brother Steve’s games, whether pitching or hitting.  She brought him luck.

She didn’t throw 97, but would have turned 97 today. A great lady.

Happy birthday, Mom.


Reese Kaplan said...

Nice to see the fond memory about your mother and her fondness for your brother´s baseball skills. I was usually on my own with neither my mother nor father there.

Tom Brennan said...

Yep, he talks all the time about how he appreciated her, in general and for stuff like that. She was in no position to do that with me, as I was 14 years older. She was in the whirlwind of having 8 kids ages 1 to 15, and needless to say had very little time to go to, say, a kid’s game.

Tom Brennan said...

“Jake Zitella, you’re doing great. Keep it up.”

Jon G said...

When my dad passed, Mom lived with me for awhile before moving to Florida near my brother. We watched the Mets together that summer and I remember her watching Lucas Duda strike out and she said " they need to get rid of him, that guy stinks." I laughed so hard at my then 88 year old mom for pointing that out. Great memories

Mack Ade said...

My Mom died from breast cancer when I was 6

My father drank himself to death when I was 13

Great childhood

bill metsiac said...

Whil÷ his previous outings upstate weren't too bad, this latest one seems to be putting the hammer down on his Mets career.

I don't know what the details are on his reportedly coming to camp "unprepared", but he's been falling further fown the "potential call-up" list.

With the logjam of DPs expected when Peterson and Senga return, I expect Joey as well as Houser to be on the market very soon.

And while we're on the subject of call-ups, I am totally bewildered by the lack of a backup at MIF, while Joey Churches is having a terrific year to date upstate. I've read that if McNeil or Lindor is injured, or just needs a day off, the replacement is...Brett Baty???
Hard to believe, with a GM who has repeatedly stressed the importance of Defense.

Rds 900. said...

There will be some changes coming soon.

Jon G said...

My sincere condolences. That's horrible, sorry you had to experience that.

Gary Seagren said...

It falls under what doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess as my parents were never at anything I did either but only good memories for me. Must have been parenting back in the day for the most part. Kids played and parents parented. This next week should say alot about were we're going because I have no idea and in my wildest imagination I wouldn't have dreamed up the mess we're in now and Gimenez getting the big hit y/day was same old same old.

Tom Brennan said...

Jon, that’s some memory. My very first Mets article on this site was about3 years into Duda’s career, pointing out his biggest flaw. Not swinging nearly enough with no strikes. He was TERRIBLE hitting with two strikes.

Mack Ade said...

Updating my Blow It Up post for either Friday or Saturday

Tom Brennan said...

Mack, that’s tough. My dad was a strong man, felled by diabetes-related complications when I was 21. Little Mom got tough and raised 8 kids (6, my older brother John and I were 21 and 22 and no longer kids). She persevered a day at a time. That was America 50 years ago.

Tom Brennan said...

Bill, Acuna is starting to accelerate so let’s hope for no MIF injuries over the next several weeks. He needs at least that to be fairly ready.

Tom Brennan said...

Bill,Houser getting traded? He should be facing equal competition. I suggest AA.

Paul Articulates said...

How can anyone be pleased that Lindor is now above .200? I just don't understand how you can retain a slumping hitter in a key RBI spot in the lineup (third) for so long, and then when you finally make a move it is not to hit him eighth, but leadoff! Lindor may be a great leader on the field and off, but if he is not hitting (particularly in important situations), then he must lead from the bottom of the order. He seems to be sincerely interested in the success of the ballclub, so he would accept the demotion until the bat improves.

bill metsiac said...

I have no desire to rush Acuña up to sit on the bench. He needs to play every day, and build his skills and BA up.
Churches is perfectly suited for that role.

Gary Seagren said...

Paul there are 341 million reasons Lindor ain't going anywhere and that includes lineup positioning as it's just another problem with long term contracts.

Tom Brennan said...

Bill, I agree on not rushing Acuna, he should be called up only if he is playing in at least half the games. What helps him is strong defense and strong base stealing. But he is not ready now. A hot next 6 weeks could change my mind. I still justthingheis utility long term.

Tom Brennan said...

Gary , not 341 reasons , just77% of that original 341 is left to pay. The oldest 7.7 years. Move his fences in, give the old man a break!