
Game Day For Health Care

Interesting Sunday.

I started my morning, posting the B-Mets results from yesterday, and planned to stay off the computer the rest of the day.  I set up in my living room with the Sunday Times, local rags, and the Maple Street Press Mets Annual, which I received this week, and turned on CNN to watch "my boys", Christine, Candy, and Fared"...

Small thing happening today.

Biggest health day since the voting on Medicare.

Beginning in less than an hour, every member of the House of Representation will begin the process of being voted out of their next term. The Dems will lose the next election for managing this less than a bowel movement... and the Reps are out for just being a general, good old, prick.

And, with a little luck, the "donut hole" will close for my 79-year old mother-in-law, which will go into effect in 2014, one year after she probably will either go broke or die.

And we thing the Mets are run badly.


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