
Tom Brennan: Sometimes, One Picture Tells It All

I saw this chart on Facebook, without timeframes, but look who was painfully dead last…

Mets dead last at 9% of draft picks reaching MLB.  

Draw your own conclusions.

Last night, Mets win to split the 4 game series with the lowly Marlins. 

Lindor 2 HRs (#'s 18, 19), and the awakening McNeil a 3 run shot (8). 

And Dandily Dominating Dave (David Peterson) surges to 5-0.

(Lindor is the "I told you so" signing - my brother told me it was a must-do signing, when Francisco signed the very long 10 year deal. His rationale was, to tie into how I started this article: the Mets don't develop nearly enough offensive talent through the drafts, and Lindor was automatically our best (and most essential) offensive player. So he often tells me these days, "I told you so".)

Edwin ("take two Excedrin and call me in the morning") Diaz got the shaky save against the juggernaut (not) Marlins line up. Nothing at all to worry about here. Edwin is clearly as good as ever.


Tom Brennan said...

Ray, I saw this article on JD Martinez. He is more than just his stats. He has made the rest of the team’s hitters better.


Mack Ade said...

Thanks for the pickup Tom

Tom Brennan said...

No problem. I do see in this chart that the median team’s # of draftees making the majors over what is probably about a 12 year period is 50. The Mets had just 30, so bad in drafting that the 29th team had 38, 8 more.

Which is why this team is over budget and just over .500.

Mack Ade said...


In the years before the Cohen era, the Mets just sucked at drafting.

Viper said...

That's one horrible looking picture.

Tom Brennan said...

Viper, again I do not know the timeframe, but of the Mets’ 30, any hitter All Stars? Pete and Jeff, and Jeff, despite his batting title is an average output guy. Conforto almost. Starved for Stars.

Gary Seagren said...

In the Wilpon error I just pictured a few monkey throwing darts at the draft board and I guess their aim wasn't very good but then again I'm sure they weren't paid much. Guys opinions on a trade of Sproat, Baty and Parada for the Sox Crochet.

Gary Seagren said...

Tom my problem with the Lindor trade was SC could have waited till seasons end and we would not have lost Gimenez and Rosario and of course the 10 year contract but w/o that we don't get him but he has far and away proved his value.

TexasGusCC said...

Ironically, about seven or eight years ago they did a similar chart and the Mets were #1, I believe in overall draftees in MLB.

Mack Ade said...

That translated to Fred Wingnut spending less outside the organization

bill metsiac said...

What bothers me most about that draft chart is seeing the BREWERS near the bottom. The people responsible for the Mets results listed are gone. But they have been replaced by those who have done the Brewers drafts.

But with the weak drafting, the Brewers have built division winners on a low budget. And that's what counts.

Tom Brennan said...

Bill, I find that Brewer # troubling. Good to point that out.

Of course, the Yankees and Dodgers, who both make the playoffs every year, so get worse draft picks, had more than twice as many MLB graduates as the Mets. The only one less competent at their job is that resigned Secret Service incompetent loser.