
3-18: Q&A - With Mack

From Nathan/NJ:   What was all that drama involving you and another Mets blogger?

Mack:  Oh, it was nothing... just a disagreement between two old Mets-friends. I took exception to something ,which really set off a flame out from someone that has helped me this past spring training. It's all done now and we have both gone back to own Mets-world.

noahmets said... Nice blog keep on working with it. Only problem for me is trying to tell what the date is. If you want you can also check out my blog at http://www.metsfantalk.com/  . Keep it up!

Mack:  didn't realize the date was so buried on this platform...  I'll try and date each posting more often...  I will visit your site and link to ya, Noah...

Jasmin asked:   I read over at Amazin Avenue that you haven't seen a swing like Chirs Carter has since Ryan Zimmerman.  I didn't think he played much in Savannah?

Mack:  You're right... very good memory. I think he was here for only four games, and one of the reason was how he hit during those games. But, the real show was him in the cage bitting ball after ball into and over the old bleachers down left, and the right field fence into where the trucks are parked. He pretty much bombed the entire perimeter of the field and, those in attendence around two hours before the game, just knew this was going to be one those special guys. BTW... we've had two more in the past couple of years... Justin Heyward in the Braves organization and Jesus Montero for the Charlestown, SC Yankees A-affiliate...  (pitching wise... easy... David Price)

Harry Pinter asks:  Mack, great job on the blog. One question... who, in your opinion, is the best Mets Blog out there.

Mack:  I think we all think we're the best, but the most successful is easily Matt Cerrone and crew over that http://www.metsblog.com/. Matt's a class act that posts only info based on quality of contest. The rest of us consider it a sincere compliment to get a link from him.

BillMets asked... word association...  Flores or Marte... Heyward or Montero... Jacobs or Murphy... Tatis or Evans...  Stoner or Green...

Makc:  As of close of business, 3-17...  Flores hands down... both... Jacobs... neither... Dessens

Dr.JOhn said...   sheer stupidity to enter politics on to your site. Dumb. Omar dumb.

Mack:  -   ah, lighten up Dr. (byw - great music in the 70s fro you...)... have a funny feeling you'll love to trash on that pie-brain Dem broad Pilosi... BTW...  I'm a republican conversative... just thought it was a cute line... come on, you smiled... didn't ya...didn't ya... bueller????

and lastly...  metsfan117   (March 17, 2010 9:33 PM... ISPN reported to authorities...) said: - your a fucking joke...ive seen all the fuckin dirty dominicans that you claim are players on your blog...and they all fuckin suck..you dominican loving faggot..eat their dicks..thats why noone reads your stupid blog..get a life..instead of writing about dominicans that will never make it...where are you from anyway..pussy

Mack...  . you have been reported for abuse, hate mail, and a possible violation under the Terrorist Act. Your ISPN number is a matter of public record once you register on sites like this and you will be contacted shortly by the proper authorities.

Editor's Note:  We really appreicate your comments, especially since it helps generate a healthy Q&A posting once in awhile here. I'd love to make this a weekly feature.

Unfortunately, some are choosing to be hostile today... strange St. Patrick's Day...so,  we're going to have to reinstute a short delay before your posts go up. This way I can approve them first and I can elliminate the ones that are offending the growing Christian following I am getting from the baseball draft potion of these positng.

Naturally, anyone can still email me directly at macksmets@gmail.com  - Yes, your questions there will be placed in a future Q&A posting, but any negative comments will simply be sent to the proper authorities for a folow-up. This process is a lot easier via email.

For the majority of you, I appologize for this inconvenience. I will re-open a direct posting once the full moon goes away.


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