
Mack Ade – Sandy Alderson Must Go

I said I wasn’t going to write about the Queens team. I said I would concentrate on the kids on the farm and let the other writers here voice their opinions as to what’s going on at the major league level, but I simply can’t do that. This team means too much to me to sit back and stay quiet about what I watch each and every day both on television and online.

Last night was a joke. Five runs crossed the plate because a good player that fought hard to become a decent second baseman, and earn a slot on the upcoming all-start team, is playing first base for reasons that make no sense whatsoever. The Mets General Manager, Sandy Alderson, went on WFAN radio and explained that the thought process here was that they wanted to see Jordany Valdespin play at his ‘natural position’ so they could determine what they had there. Really? What about Lucas Duda playing at his ‘natural position’, 1B, or Daniel Murphy going back to his ‘natural position’ 3B? Let’s not stop there. Wasn’t David Wright originally a shortstop?  See how ridiculous this all is?

Normally, I would call for the removal of the manager, but he obviously is not making these decisions. I take that back. He probably is part of the process and should be removed also. This is a completely lost season and it’s only a matter of time that key members of this team start to revolt in the clubhouse.

There’s not much left here folks and your new Sunday pitcher is not going to be an instant Savior for this team.

I’m not speaking for any of the other Mack’s Mets writers here and I welcome their posts saying they feel different, but I for one have seen enough. I frankly applaud the Wilpon family for staying out of the limelight this year, but it’s time to remove the people who have directed this team into this corner for parts of the past three years. Sandy Alderson, his two lieutenants, and Terry Collins should all be immediately dismissed. Interim replacements can be named from within the organization while a search begins for a permanent replacement. You need this done post haste so new personnel are in place before the upcoming trading and free agent season.

I would name John Ricco and Wally Backman as respective interim General Manager and Field Manager.

I would also return what talent I had on this team to the correct position (and team) they should be playing for. I have no problem with Ike Davis playing the rest of the season in Queens at first base. Atlanta seems to have no problem with Jason Heywood playing in their outfield, so the same logic should apply here. Murphy should be at second, Rubin Tejada should return to short when he is healthy, and David Wright should play third. That’s the best infield you have on the payroll so use it every day.

Your catcher should be John Buck until Travis d’Arnaud comes off of rehab and gets a few weeks of AAA ball under his belt.

Your outfield should be Marlon Byrd, Kirk Nieuwenhuis, and Lucas Duda, with Juan Lagares and Jordany Valdespin serving as key reserves. Valdespin can also spell Murphy and Tejada in the infield (when needed) along with Justin Turner.

Your rotation should be Matt Harvey, Jon Niese, Dillon Gee, Jeremy Hefner, and Zack Wheeler. Shaun Marcum (coming off his last outing) should be immediately served up as a trade piece for someone that can fit into this mess in the future.

Pen wise, I still don’t have an answer for a lefty. Josh Edgin doesn’t deserve to be in Queens right now. I’d hit the waiver line and try and find someone that can fill in until I can work someone out in a future trade/free agent.

And lastly, I’d clean house of the malcontents hanging around Extended Camp. Frank Francisco would be given a check and his walking papers. Hansel Robles would be put in the same taxicab. And, lazy and indifferent members of the medical staff that seem to think that the players should rule the roost when it comes to conditioning and rehab would be removed as well.

This would be a new team, top to bottom. No, there wouldn’t be enough talent to compete at a playoff level in 2013, but, given the fact that multiple contracts will be coming off the books at the end of this season, there looks to conservatively be around $45mil left to spend to return this team’s payroll to only $100mil, not some of the higher levels in the past. This alone should be able to get you two additional every day players to make the lineup better.

And, the magical rotation will continue to take shape as Rafael Montero joins Harvey, Wheeler, and Niese in 2014. The team will obviously set the table with starting pitching, but players like d’Arnaud and the two new additions (Choo?) will generate more key runs.

But, to return to today, things much change now and change is not substituting three players for three others that, on the surface, seem to have a limited future with this team.

I applaud Alderson and Collins for their efforts, and those around me say we will be proud someday about the past three drafts, but, it’s time.


Mack Ade said...

My apologies for typing a few names wrong. I wrote this in the middle of the night with my meds in me and I sometimes can't read the font.

I would appreciate it if, in the future, you could email me at: macksmets@gmail.com if you have a desire or find it necessary to alert me to my typos.

What I ask you not to do is leave one of the sarcastic comments you left this morning.

Being bi-polar, it really turns my day upside down.

Thank you.


Reese Kaplan said...

What's particularly galling to me about Alderson is not the so-called plan, it's the inertia. A good manager in any business analyzes what is right and wrong, reinforces what is right and looks to correct what is wrong. Alderson knew there was no outfield going into this season and did nothing. He did try to patch together a bullpen with a new cast of characters, but as usual he did so while shopping at Filene's Basement. He knew there was no depth and no bench but did nothing to change that. He is simply put a bad MANAGER for the business.

IBfromWhitePlains said...

I can see moving Murphy to 1st to open a slot for maybe, Flores and a prayer, but not for Valdespin. I read they'll be platooning Murphy back to 2nd against RHP. Seems crazy.

I think you put it best when you said something to the effect that this mgmt has backed this team into a corner. We're trapped in bad baseball. What a mess.

IBfromWhitePlains said...

Sorry, I meant Murph back to 2nd against LHP

Unknown said...

Why wasn't Flores promoted? We know what Valdespin is going to give you- a few pinch hit homeruns and a lot of unwarranted showboating and drama.

Mack Ade said...


I don't think the 'Murphy to 1B' had anything to do with an opening at 2B. All the Mets want to do is get a look see (or a showcase) of Valdespin back at his natural position.

I saw him play both SS and 3B for 2 years in the lower levels. He had infield skills, but he hated doing the routine ground balls and always tried to turn them into a highlight film, causing errors and runs scored. He was suspended twice for his antics doing this.

Michael S. said...

Well, we knew this was going to be a lost year. I think Sandy expected Davis to produce and Wheeler and d'Arnaud to be contributing by now.

Out of curiosity, what OF changes would you have made? Alderson wasn't going to add someone he didn't think would be part of the long-term plan. It would just jam up the payroll when the Mets were actually in a position to contend. Is this because of the HS draft picks?

Michael S. said...

The problems with this team begin and end with the Wilpons.

Unknown said...

Mack - I must of missed a post about Hansel Robles, why is it time to send him packing? (is it just his spot on the 40? If so, Tovar and German can pile in as well)

I agree with Michael in that the big problem are the owners. Sandy isnt going anywhere until Selig steps down so he can take over.

In spring training everyone knew this team would be awful, we are 1 game out of the second pick and only 4 from the 1st pick.

I say sell off what you can, play the young ones to see what you have and let them get experience, that is the only way to logically rebuild now. If the Mets are going to play this bad, play with the players that have a chance to get better with the experience, not aging vets that will do nothing but move your draft position from 2/3 to 7/8.

Mack Ade said...

Michael -

I would have 'jammed up' the team with either Upton or Braun.

You aren't going to be able to sign top players unless you give them extended year contracts. That's how it works.

The Mets problem has been the people they gave their money to (Bay, Francisco), not the amount of money.

Mack Ade said...


I don't want to go into Hansel Robles other than to say that his velocity is down close to ten clicks per hour.

Charles said...

At this point, 2014 is my make or break year. I believe the Mets will have enough starting pitching that they should easily become a .500 team if they could just average 4.5 runs a game. So, by then, with all the cash they could spend, and all the pitching prospects they could dangle in a trade, there shouldn't be any excuse to sit out another off season for the fourth year in a row.

If the Mets are not ten games over by the all star break, I'd consider firing Sandy. Unless, of course, the starters don't perform or injury precludes them from having good starting pitching.

I see no reason why the Mets shouldn't have a 2014 starting rotation of Harvey, Niese, Wheeler, Montero, and Gee.

Mack Ade said...


Welcome back.

You will get your wish for the 2014 rotation

Michael S. said...

Mack - no crap on handing out long-term deals...that's the way it works but for the right players. Upton was never coming here and outside of him there wasn't anyone else worth adding. The Nick Swishers and Michael Bourns of the world can jam up someone elses payroll.

Seems like your biggest beef with Sandy is that he didn't acquire one player in Justin Upton. ONE. And he's had a pretty shitty May and June after his hot start. I'm glad Alderson didn't move Wheeler for him. Why the hell should the Mets have to pay a higher price for a player than the Braves?

And Braun was never available, did you mean Bourn?

Mack Ade said...


In defense of Alderson, I am working on a piece that highlights the 'best' of what he has done in... 3 seasons.

Yes, I wanted Upton and I wanted more and better choices in other years.

And, if I couldn't have Upton, I wanted Bourn.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the Mets were without an outfield. Dice had to be rolled here.

Michael S. said...

We just disagree..I never wanted Bourn. If 2014 and beyond are the years I think he'd be more of a hindrance than an asset.