
Tom Brennan - Positives and Negatives in Metsville; Success at Age 26


Metsville always has positives and negatives.

17 hits and 8 runs against a tough SD adversary last night: very positive.

But the 17 hits were shared by only 8 hitters. Francisco Alvarez was 0 for 5 and 4 Ks - negative. 

 - Just .155 since the ASB - negative.

 - the game winning jolt the other day aside, will he soon remember how he hit .296 pre-ASB?

Luis Severino fought his way to 5 innings of one run ball.  

Considering the much higher quality of San Diego's offense vs. that of the Marlins, I see this start as every bit as positive as his complete game shutout of the Marlins.

The pen in innings 6 through 8? Positive.

The Huascar Brazaban 9th? Negative.  

A 7 run lead, Braza giving up two runs, and the game ending with a couple of men on base on a sharp grounder wide of first that Pete Alonso did a great job on of preventing getting through for a single - a single there would have made this laugher no laughing matter.

Mark Vientos 3 RBIs?  Positive.  

He is on a 162 game pace of 40 doubles, 40 HRs, 108 RBIs, and .280s. 

My guess is he finishes up with 26 doubles, and 26 HRs, at least.

Good golly.

Winners of 3 of 4 against toughies Baltimore and SD?  POSITIVE.

But the Braves beat Phillies 3-2.  Since snatching the Wild Card from the Braves right now is the most realistic scenario for Mets' playoff dreams, and not the Mets overtaking the Phillies, an opportunity they most likely blew when they won just 6 of 13 in a recent stretch against weaker teams, that Braves win keeps the Mets 1.5 games on the outside looking in.  The Braves may not do much in the playoffs, but they are always laser-focused on getting there.


Tidwell (0-7, 5.46 in AAA after being promoted from AA to AAA earlier this year) was wild again, and is having a very tough year - but he is 23.  He'll be great when he turns 26.

23 year old Gilbert hit his first HR since opening day.  A future star at age 26, and hopefully sooner, if he can stay on the field.

Syracuse got trounced 7-1.  They gathered just 3 hits, the stingy fellas.  

The S-Mets are losers of 21 of their last 27, the White Sox pointed out to me.

Binghamton, though, won big and had lots of hits.  8 runs, 11 hits.

But 11th overall pick Parada (age 23)? 0 for 4 with 2 Ks, down to .209.

Parada's 26 year old teammate Drake Osborn also catches, and while not known as a hitter, the 2021 19th rounder is hitting .242 for Binghamton after a 3 hit night.  After 16 games of .347 hitting in Brooklyn early this year, Ozzie is hitting .267 overall for the season, better than Parada's.209, I must say. 

Is he better than Parada? 

Well, Osborn is 26, a magical age, as you'll see.  

Undrafted 26 year old Jonathan Pintaro started and pitched well, 7 innings, 2 hits, 1 run, and his ERA between Brooklyn and Binghamton is 2.80 this year.  55 innings, 1.08 WHIP. Who needs to be drafted, anyway?  You just need to be good.  

Pintaro is producing.  Job well done.

26 year old Matt Rudick is doing what he does well, getting red hot late in the season.  Last 5 games, 9 hits and 4 walks.  Maybe he can coach 22 year old Francisco Alvarez on how to get hot late in August, too.  

It must be a "26 year old thing."  

Boy, when Parada turns 26, in 2027, he ought to be dynamite, too.

Brooklyn blasted 10-1, but well-under-age-26 Nick Morabito had 2 hits.  The other hapless Clones hitters, though, had just 3 hits.  

All of the latter Brooklynites plan to be tearing it up at the dish when they, too, turn 26, although it might be for the LI Ducks.  

Brooklyn opponents had 10 runs and 18 hits. None of them are age 26. 

St Lucie specializes in losing and lost again 7-3.  

They are more than 26 games below .500, at 39-76.

If you are 26 or older, have a great day.  And stay positive.


TexasGusCC said...

What about us 25 year olds? Soto is 25, you don’t want him?

If the Mets do what they need to do, the playoffs will be there. If they keep wetting the bed every so often, then they may stay home.

Tom Brennan said...

Gus, of course I want Soto. Only one reason/ He'll be 26 next year. I think the Mets are better than the Braves, at least, and ought to be in the playoffs. Maybe, if the Mets imitate the 1986 boys, they maraud their way thru the SD and Az series and tighten this whole race up again. 6 games to go against those 2. Why not 4-2, or 5-1? We've got Winker, the secret weapon.

Paul Articulates said...

I said in my post yesterday that the Mets should consider sending Brazoban down to work on some things. He could be good, but isn't.

I am too old (more than 26) to stay up all night waiting for a ninth inning rally. Could someone ask the Mets to rally in the 3rd inning instead? Much better for my beauty sleep.

Tom Brennan said...

I fell asleep at 3-1. Woke up to 8-3. Any opinions on why Brazoban is hitting 98, but ineffective?

bill metsiac said...

I'm guessing Braz will be the one who goes to make room for Nunez, especially if he has options.

Tom Brennan said...

Bill, I'm not sure about his options. I am sure Dedniel is coming back ASAP.

Tom Brennan said...

After hitting .300 in July, one wondered what Kevin Parada had in mind for an encore....5 singles and a double in 58 at bats in August. Seems hard to believe.

TexasGusCC said...

I have a theory on Brazoban: he get ahead 0-2, and then starts throwing off speed pitches trying to hit the corner or fastballs off the plate. Fear. Then, before you know it if the other team isn’t chasing, it’s 2-2 or even 3-2 as he lacks a put away pitch.

TexasGusCC said...

Talk about a guy that could use a splitter.

bill metsiac said...

Maybe he can learn one upstate. He was optioned to 'Cuse today.

Tom Brennan said...

Brazaban had that terrible game where Martinez’s slam had just given the Mets a 4-2 lead. Then, as Gus notes, he started that stupid nibbling with 2 outs and ended up giving a 3 run shot up to the Angels to throw that very important game away.