Bill Metsiac:: Omir Santos and Rene Rivera have looked good this Spring, and have gotten a lot of playing time. How do you see the AA and AAA Catching situations playing out? It seems like the Mets want Thole to be the AA starter, leaving Santos, Rivera, and Cancel (or someone I haven't thought about) for the other 3 spots.
Matt Himelfaub: Mack, you know anything about Charles Doyle? He was high round pick last year who played mostly at Kingsport in 08. He's 23 now, I'm guessing he's starting at St. Lucie.
Mack: Morning Matt and Bill:
Regarding catching...
Both Santos and Rivera have make the prediction of who will catch where must more difficult. It's obvious that both will remain with the team (showcased?) and will be assigned, either to Buffalo or the B-Mets.
The good news is, in less than 3 days, we'll know where everyone is.
I have on my board right now:
Mike Nickeas
Gustavo Molina
Robinson Cancel
Rene Rivera
Omir Santos
Sal Paniagua
Cancel is a keeper since he is currently the 3rd Mets catcher... I expect Nickeas to be cut this week, especially after the three home runs the other day by both Rivera and Santos...
My guess is Cancel, Paniagua and Rivera, with Santos going to the B-Mets
Josh Thole
Rafael Arroyo
Jason Jacobs
We know Thole is a keeper... everyone says he has questionable talent defensively, but I never saw it in Savannah... also remember, he's an adequate first baseman also (almost got killed playing there 2 years ago for the Gnats when he took a line drive in the head)
My guess: Thole, Santos, Jacobs
Francisco Pena
Luis Allen
Jordan Abruzzo
Sean McCraw
Pena is a keeper if, for no other reason, the amount paid to him in his bonus. Abruzzo is a bat without a full time gig, that will DH most of the year...
Dock Doyle
Ralph Henriquez
Tony Maccanni
This is where Doyle should wind up... he's considered internally as a prospect... good bat... we need to keep an eye on him...
Nothing intriquing below this level...
All this changes if Reese Havens does continue his conversion to catching.
I agree with Mike on Schneider and Castro. As you know, I'm a big fan of Brian, but he just might be too fragile.
The key to the Mets future catcher may be in Texas.
Bill Metsiac: Who are your picks for the starting/back-up jobs for the two teams, and which (any) would be your pick to replace Castro if he's not re-signed for '10?
Right now, my guess would be Thole, but I truly believe he needs two more years to mature. I would rather have Cancel as the 2010 backup for a new starter.
Nice piece Mack!
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