
The 10 Worst Mets Minor League 2011 Seasons:

1. Brahiam Maldonado – OF – AA-Binghamton - .184/.270/.386/.656, 15-HR, 54-H, 293-AB – “El Toro” doesn’t play baseball, he just participates in a home run derby every night. He hits a home run every 20 at bats and nothing else. Needs to be released so either Pedro Zapata or Juan Lagarus can move up.

2. Raul Chavez – C – AAA-Buffalo: - .187/.194/.235/.429, 166-AB, 0-HR – Probably the best arm in the organization, he will be a AAAA catcher at best the rest of his career. I’d rather keep Mike Nickeas in Buffalo, and back him up with someone Mike can work with, like Dock Doyle.

3. Taylor Tankersley – AAA-Buffalo – 32-G, 7.50, 2.06, 46-K – Taylor’s WHIP is really in the tank… sorry, I had to say that. One in a series of unproductive relief pitchers that should be released.

4. Eric Niesen – RP – AA/A+ - 1-5, 7.41, 34-G, 37.2-IP, 31-ER – Niesen came up with Dillon Gee and was a starter through most of his Mets career. A nice man, but he has reached his potential and should look for a future outside of baseball.

5. Roy Merritt – RP – AA/Binghamton – 1-1, 6.53, 1.79, 27-G, 31-K in 41.1-IP – Boy, did I love this guy when he first signed up and so did the Mets coaches. He just can’t produce above the A+ level.

6. Tobi Stoner – SP – A+/AA – 4-4, 6.29, 11-G, 34-K in 58.2-IP – Tobi was a flash out of Savannah who seems to have peaked at St. Lucie. Injuries and poor AA/AAA numbers the past few years have exposed the limited to his pitching talent.

7. Erik Turgeon – RP – AA/AAA – 36-G, 6.09, 28-K, 44.1-IP – Eric had success early in the organization, but it’s close to impossible to project a reliever through the levels. Like Stoner, his best was in A+.

8. Brandon Sage – RP – AA/A+ - 3-4, 5.70, 42.2-IP, 27-K, 20-BB – It’s a little early to write off Sage, who is currently struggling in AA.

9. Brian Sweeney – SP/RP – AAA-Buffalo – 3-3, 5.48, 1.48, 31-K, 47.2-IP – I have no idea why the Mets signed him.

10. Rylan Sandoval – 2B – A+/St. Lucie - .207/.261/.305/.567 – Sandoval was a splash in Brooklyn last year, but a puff of smoke since then.


David Rubin said...

Thanks for the update on Tankersley- I hadn't heard anything about him at all lately, and now we know why. Maybe we could get at least ONE Taylor healthy and get Bucholz back from the DL? (as in DEPRESSED LIST)...

Mack Ade said...

yeah... a depressing Mets relief pitcher... how rare