At some point this team is going to have to try and figure
out what the future rotation is going to be. Let’s assume that Matt Harvey and Zack Wheeler are part of it.
Word is Jenrry Mejia will
start a rehab game this weekend for St. Lucie. We could easily see him in the
Las Vegas rotation and be ready for Queens OD 2014.
But, so could Rafael Montero who
is mastering AA and will probably finish the season in Vegas.
So, OD 2014 Queens would be Harvey, Wheeler, Niese,Gee,
Mejia, and Montero?
Let’s do some more assumptions… Verrett pitches Vegas in 2014 and is ready OD 2015… Noah Syndergaard finishes this year with St. Lucie,
pitches Binghamton in 2014, and Vegas in 2015… and lastly, Domingo Tapia comes of age and joins Synder on the
2016 track.
What do we have now?
OD 2015 – Harvey, Wheeler, Niese, Mejia, Montero, Gee, Verrett
OD 2016 - Harvey, Wheeler, Niese, Mejia, Montero, Gee, Verrett,
Syndergaard, Tapia.
(And, we haven’t even mentioned Michael
Fulmer, Mazzoni, or Luis Mateo)
So… to answer Michael…
my guess is Verrett becomes part of a future trade to fill in a Mets
batting hole, but, I have to tell you, the more I look at this projected SP
sheet, the more I like the chances of trading Niese for a real outfielder,
instead of a prospect.
I’m just saying…

Jim Callis: Because Peterson is a better hitter and might
wind up with more usable power in the long run. Wilson fills out a uniform
better, but give me Peterson.
Boy, nothing against Peterson, but I have a
real problem with this one. Wilson represents everything I would want for a
major league outfielder and I can’t think of anyone I want more to play next to
Brandon Nimmo next season in St. Lucie. Also, Peterson could still be around at

Lastly, a good example of what the Mets blog world is all
about happened yesterday. I happened to be in the broadcast booth, at Grayson
Stadium, when the printed roster came off the printer. I was handed a copy and
then became the first member of the Mets community to know that Brandon Nimmo went on the DL and it was retroactive to
a date printed on that roster. I reported the information on my web site, then
went on twitter, and alerted three active members of the Mets blogging
community what was going on. I didn’t make them go to my site to earn a
worthless hit. I just told them the info from one writer to another.
All these guys are good people. They just take this Mets shit too serious.
All these guys are good people. They just take this Mets shit too serious.
Two things happened worth pointing out. For a short time
there was a genuine concern over who reported this information first. I think
one of those three reported it to his followers rather than re-tweet my tweet
and one of the other three gave him credit for the exclusive. Tweets went back
and forth between them and eventually everybody gave me credit.
The point is… why does anyone care who’s first? All I care is that the information we pass
down to friends is accurate. There seems to be too much emphasis on the early
bird rather than the person that owns the worm factory.
And that brings us to point number two. One of the blogging
sites went out of their way to point out that the date that the retroactive DL
stared was wrong “as reported”, rather than wrong “as received by the team.
Folks, I just pass this information on and there is nothing in this for me to
be wrong.
I’m told to stay off of Twitter. They say I don’t understand
it and I don’t play well with others. How can I understand both young men and
some as old as 60 all worrying more about whether they are the greatest blog
since the Internet came to be? There is a profound reason I don’t read any of
them because their content does hurt me. I know this will leave me open today
to another response for me to ‘man up’ and stop with my ‘pity party’. Trust me,
nothing would make me happier if I could handle this man to man.
How do you feel about Hunter Renfroe. I've seen his name mentioned a few times so far.
I'm not against trading Niese but the Mets are going to have to find another LHP somewhere, if not 2.
Well, they may just end up with 5 right handed starters that are good enough, negating any need of a lefty. Harvey, Wheeler, Sybdergaard, Montero, and Fulmer/Gee/Mateo/Tapia/DeGrom/Free Agent or Niese...
I just can't see the Mets worrying about a lefty if one of their top prospects are ready to step up. I also think, like Mack, that if there's a cheap young arm ready to come up, Sandy Will look to trade Niese.
Niese though, hasn't really stepped up this year. He's been battling for most of his starts. Unless he starts pitching like he did last year, his stock will not be as high as it was last year. He's averaging about 5 inning per start....that won't bring back much.
I like Renfroe but not as much as I like Wilson, Ervin, and Boldt (even with Boldt's surgery)
Forget what Niese is doing right now... he can get you TWO very good players in a trade - an outfielder and a prospect lefty at the AA/A+ level
Negate a need for a lefty? Pipe dream.
Mike, no team has five Matt Harvey's, but all of their top prospects are power right handers. It's almost a lock that Harvey, Wheeler, Montero, Niese, and Gee will be their rotation next year.
But, in 2015, what happens if Syndergaard and Tapia are ready? Or Syndergaard and Tapia? Or Tapia and Fulmer? All righties, all cheap, all under controll for 6 years. Niese will, like Mack said, command a RA like package in a trade. Do you think Sandy, the king of trading expensive veterans for prospects, will sit back and trade the prospects instead? No way....
He's looking to build a sustainable and cheap team that's competitive. You do that by trading the expensive players for younger talent. Just like the Rays have always done and just like Sandy has shown an ability to do. Having a token lefty is not going to be a road block.
Who knows, in two years, Matz could actually be that token lefty, and a damn good one too.
One thing about Matz.
He is not a kid anymore and will finish this season at the A+ level.
He will be ready opening day 2015
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