
Cutnpaste: - Tejada No-Show, Trade Rumors, Jordany Valdespin, R.A. Dickey... and Darren Ceciliani

Tejada No-Show:

7-14 from: - link  - Baseball World Training School's campers were disappointed last Wednesday when Ruben Tejada, an infielder for the New York Mets, didn't show up for his spot as guest instructor at Baseball World last Wednesday. Owner Vince Diaco sent one of his instructors to pick Tejada up at Citi Field, but he didn't show up. Many youngsters were looking forward to see him, the Connecticut Post and Norwalk Hour sent photographers and Channel 12 stopped by to do a story on it, but it turned out everyone sacrificed their plans in vain. Diaco tried feverishly to find out what happened and New York Mets hitting coach Howard Johnson expressed his dismay towards Tejada for not keeping his commitment.

Trade Rumors:

7-14 from: - link  - The New York Mets, for a time, were said to be hot and heavy after Cliff Lee. That was, until Seattle asked for Ike Davis—then all bets were off. Now, rumor has it the Mets won't go after guys like Roy Oswalt, but instead will turn their attention to current Cubs' left-hander Ted Lilly. He makes sense for the Mets because he'd only cost them the remaining $5.5 million left on his contract. Another pitcher that could catch the Mets' interested is Indians right-hander Jake Westbrook. FoxSports' Ken Rosenthal notes that the Mets have had interest in Octavio Dotel in the past. I don't see them going after him this time around unless they can't pry Lilly or Westbrook away from their respective teams.

Jordany Valdespin:

7-14 from: - link  - The infielder that garnered so much attention in Spring Training based on his solid tools and "major league actions" has been just decent thus far in 2010. He basically spent most of the first month and a half on the DL but since returning in June has hit. As in the past, he has shown strong contact skills and despite once again posting awful walk %'s, has avoided a negative ranking basically because he's already hit five homers in just over 200 ab's, impressive when compared to his previous season high of four. His stock would really improve if he shows this power is for real as his on-base skills are sub-par, his fielding is still too raw considering his age and he's not really that fast. He is not young for this league so the fact that he is developing slowly is not helping his stock. However, for a IFA he signed very late (20) so in just his third pro season let's not consider his age completely damning, especially since comments from Omar in the above link seem to hint at an accelerated climb in store for Valdespin.

R.A. Dickey:

7-12 from: - link  - TRDMB’s 2nd Annual Mets First Half Report Card - RA Dickey - A-: A true Godsend…a la Darren Oliver, a pitcher with a long and terrible career who never stopped learning and who has remade himself…the number four for the foreseeable future…maturity, confidence, and unflappable attitude make this picture even brighter….and his hitting and fielding only help to complete the pleasantly surprising picture.

Darren Ceciliani:

7-14-10 from: - http://www.espn.com/  - The Cyclones' roster is old -- all but three players can legally buy alcohol -- and only one legitimate prospect appeared in the game, outfielder Darren Ceciliani, not coincidentally the only 1990 (or later) birth on the club. Ceciliani, who had three hits, has a dead-hands start at the plate, but once he gets his hands going he has a simple, direct swing, one that should produce hard line drives but not much power. He showed a solid approach, including one impressive at bat where he took a fastball on or just off the outside corner to right field for a hard single, a pitch that a lot of minor leaguers would have tried to pull and/or just missed entirely.

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