
Mack Interview with Mets Paradise

MP: First impressions now that the deadline has passed?

Mack: I didn’t expect the Mets to acquire one of the big guys that was out there, simply because I didn’t think the Mets had enough prospect talent in their system to pull it off. What surprised me was the reduced degree of talent needed to get the cream of the trading market.

MP: The Mets did nothing obviously. Does that mean they won't contend for this season?

Mack: I never believed the Mets would contend this year. They had a wonderful June and their pitching has been a pleasant surprised, but I always thought this would be a third or fourth place team, at best, this season.

MP: Do you think the Mets could still make a deal through waivers?

Mack: No, but I do think there is a chance they could get some players off their roster, if they agreed to pay the lion share of what remains on that player’s contract. There are teams out there that see a value in players like Jeff Francouer and Luis Castillo, but not at the salary levels the Mets have created.

MP: What does today say about the Mets financial situation? We essentially watched the Yankees buy 3 players. I know the Mets wanted to hold on to their prospects, but why couldn't they just buy someone like that? Even the cash-strapped Rangers, Padres, and Dodgers found ways to make a myriad of deals.

Mack: In one sense, there is no financial problem. The Mets current salaries are $126,498,096, which should be enough to create a pennant contender. The Madoff loss is not a line item. The problem lies in the results of their spending and, any additional spending would create an immediate hit to the profit and loss statement. The problem with the Mets is the output from the players chosen by the ownership.

MP: How do the acquisitions of their divisional opponents affect the Mets? Guys like Oswalt, Ankiel, Alex Gonzalez, etc.

Mack: I’ve talked with many agents over this and I’m surprised I don’t see it written more often. Simply put, most of the players that come available, through either trades or free agency, need to sign off on the deal. Plus, they range in the age bracket of 28-34. Lastly, most of them have never won a world series. Their goals are simply to get the best “last” contract they can on a team that can get them to the World Series. Currently, neither the players available nor their agents believe the Mets currently qualify in this area.

MP: Oliver Perez and Luis Castillo apparently were being shopped around. Did you really expect anyone to take them? Even for Carlos Zambrano? Would the Mets even do that?

Mack: In my opinion, no. Even the Mets ownership know this would just create more negative press.

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