From today's SI columnist, Jon Heyman:

• The Dodgers made a good trade, acquiring starting pitcher Michael Antonini for all-field, no-hit shortstop Chin-Lung Hu. For the Mets, whose No 4 starter until Johan Santana returns is Dillon Gee and No. 5 starter is unknown for now, it was the latest in a series of curious moves.
First, Antonini is by no means either a starter or a "starting prospect" - at best, right now, he would equate to a middle reliever, but preferably would spend at least another season in the minors in AAA (for a full season, which would be his first full one at that level). He still projects as a middle reliever at the major league level, and doesn't possess an "out-pitch" that would compel a major league team to promote him. Hu still projects as a utility infielder at the major league level, and if he were to figure out major league pitching, could become a lower-rung starter. Antonini NEVER projected as the Mets SP5, this season OR next, in spite of the unsettled nature of the current major league rotation.
Instead of calling the recent Mets' moves "curious" perhaps Heyman should first seek to understand the state of the team and contact someone like Mack to find out more about the prospects (or suspects) involved in the deal. Just because Heyman has a national column and has been a "respected" journalist for many years doesn't prevent him from making ignorant statements- in this case, it simply magnifies them.
To read Heyman's post, click here.
Jeesh. JH should hit the "thought-check" icon before publishing.
And HE gets ST credentials while Mack doesn't? Go figure.
LOL he called Jason Werth a "5 tool" player... I don't know who "respects" jon heyman, but sometimes his lack of baseball intellect is actually amusing...
nothing for or against Jon in particular...
but I can tell you one thing...
not one Queens beat guy has ever given a rat's ass for the minor league portion of the that complex.
The only time any of them are near the kids is during the pitchers/catchers reporting when the press room at the main complex is closed and everyone has to park by the minor league building.
Mike Antonini was chosen to start the intra-squad game that opens up every ST and I was the only "sports reporter" that talked to him in the locker room.
I still am a member of the 4th Estate, as a freelancer, but that doesn't seem to be good enough for the Mets to allow me inside anymore.
@Hobie - Heyman has the advantages of both copy-editors and website editors, but obviously NOT thought-editors. He feels the need, for some reason, to knock the Mets every chance he gets. Look, when we deserve it, we're the first to knock them- but questioning a deal like this just shows how removed he is from the "real-world" of baseball. And yes, he does get ST creds, but only b/c of his MLB Network / SI affiliation, obviously NOT because of the quality of his writing- LOL...
@ John - I know- calling Werth a "5-tool" player is beyond laughable. Being paid like one doesn't equate to BEING one, last we looked!! And sadly, you'd be surprised at just how many people still "respect" Heyman and think everything he says can be taken to the bank. The only thing he seems to have is a hotline to a few of the biggest player agents...and totally agreed- his lack of baseball intellect is, indeed, amusing...
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