
d'Whit - Podcast- Zack Attack 2014 #1 vs Nats 4-3-14

Zack Attack #1 vs Nats
A few takes on the team and Zack after watching his first start of the season. Collins leaves Wheeler in for 114 pitches.


Mack Ade said...

d'Whit -

Nice job on the pod cast

(did you see what I've done with your name? d'Whit... ya know, d'Arnaud... get it? huh? huh?)

None of us have anticipated the start of this season. None of us. Wait until you see Ernest Dove's post.

I guess, for now, this is a good place to air our gripes (not that anyone is listening). I no longer have any SNY attachment where I live so I can't add what I feel after seeing the people on that network say what they feel. So, I'm pretty much on my own here.

That means I'll go back and concentrate on the minors, but, I've consistently said that the talent on this team is lacking when there isn't injuries.

I agree that it is going to be a very long season.

David L. Whitman said...

Thanks! I noticed the d'Whit! Clever. I like it!