
Q and A - Stanton

Daniel Barnaby 
3:02 PM (17 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Mack!

I know we're going to be hearing about this till Stanton finally leaves the Marlins but do you think there's any chance that the Mets can acquire him either at the deadline of in the off season for a package that exclude Wheeler and d'Arnaud?  

They are our two impact prospects that are closest to the major and we desperately need both of them.  As you well know we have a TON of pitching coming up though, with many of them earmarked as legitimate prospects and some of them only about a year removed from being the same level as Wheeler.  

Do you think you can get this done with a combination of players from the minor not name Wheeler and d'Arnaud?  You can include Duda and/or Valdespin in the trade.  I feel like the Marlins would take more high A/AA guys because they are further away from contention then we are.


Thanks for the question Daniel.

There is no way Miami would trade him for at least one of them. They will ask for both and you need to then tell them to pick one and then build a package around that player.

Remember, neither d'Arnaud or Wheeler have played a game for the Mets. Either could flop, get injured, or attacked by Spin.

'We' don't desperately need both of them. What is needed is Stanton's bat to build a lineup around. Everyone else gets more quality pitches. Duda goes from a 25+ potential HR hitter to 30+. Ike to 35+.

What would I do?

I'd offer Wheeler and Ike Davis (who still hasn't played a whole season). I'd move Duda back to his natural position and he can concentrate on hitting rather than shitting in his pants every time a ball is hit to him.

I'd throw in Valdespin because he would work well in the Marlins stands and I'd give them one of the Latin pitching prospects in Savannah.

Overnight, you are potentially a playoff team. 


Reese Kaplan said...

I'd love Stanton on this team (and I'd also love to see Duda wreak less havoc by shifting him to 1B). However, I think that's a gross overpay for this particular player. Yes, Stanton has done it for 2+ seasons vs. 1 for Davis, but you're swapping 37 HRs for 32 HRs which is fairly even to start. Then you're going to throw in potentially an ace starter AND a Montero or Tapia and Valdespin?

I would think that Davis plus Wheeler or Davis plus d'Arnaud would be more than fair. I'd be more inclined to give up the pitching since we have more of it in the pipeline (and closer to the majors).

That being said, I'd also explore some Davis for OF trades elsewhere, too. When you have teams starting guys at 1B like the 100 year old Todd Helton, I'd think there are other deals to explore, too. Would Colorado pull the trigger on a CarGo/Davis trade with some MINOR pieces added by the Mets? CarGo is already owed relatively big money and Davis would likely hit 40 HRs in Coors.

Mack Ade said...

A lot of teams are going to start calling the Mets about their young pitchers after the all-star break

Just wait and see

Michael S. said...

Reese - Davis + minor pieces for Tulowitzki sounds fair. I think you're right, Davis would hit close to 40 HR at Coors and the Rox need a 1B.


"Thinking a trade was a possibility, Tulowitzki cleaned out his locker late in 2012."

Mack - Oh boy I hope so.