
Dirty Laundry - SABR Writer, Old Writers, New Writer, Active Writers

1. Mack's Mets is in need of a SABR writer. We used to have a great one named Michael but his BABIP fell lower than his +FIP and...  see, that's why we need a SABR guy... I have no idea what the hell I'm saying and half the writers here can't see their laptop screen without blowing up the font 300%. We need both the Mets and their affiliates evaluated deeper than we do now. The pay is great. Nothing. And, you don't get a press pass. Such a deal. Email me at macksmets@gmail.com and we'll hook you up. Can you hook up a SABR dude?

2. Well it like two more Mack’s Mets writers have gone inactive 

 -Jared White, who has written, been one of our administrators, and created the graphics here, has not posted in a while and hasn’t returned my emails or telephone calls. No problem. Hopefully, he will be back in touch some day and return to the site.

          In addition, one of our original writers, Michael Scannell seems unreachable. Again, we will miss him, but MMs is committed to only active writers.

          Thanks guys for your past posts and we hope you’ll come back home someday. 

3. Art Scott has returned to Mack’s Mets.

Art is a generation younger than me, and, like me, lives out of a bed from war wounds. His handle is ‘The Behaviorist” and you will love his work. Please welcome him aboard. He can be reached directly at: oh58_d@hotmail.com 

4. One thing on ‘active’ writers. Mack’s Mets is attempting an IPO (sic) and it’s vital that future investors into the site have an accurate count on just how many people write here on a regular basis. Times change, and with it, so do commitments. Not everyone doesn’t have a life like me. We’re always looking for new writers… we’re waiting for a response from both Keith Olberman and Matt Cerrone… if you’re interested, email me at macksmets@gmail.com, or call 843-683-0376.

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