One of the Websites we really like here
at Mack’s Mets is SportSpyder. We
use their links to provide you the latest news on the Mets and the rest of
But SportSpyder has more than just
Baseball. It has the latest news and blog stories for every possible
sport and every possible team you can think of.
Like more than one team in one
sport? Want all the news from your favorite MLB team, College Team, and
NBA team in one place. Just create a free log in and you can customize
your feed to get all your teams on one page…in addition to the related Twitter
But that’s not all and with Fantasy
Baseball Leagues starting up, you are going to want to hear about this.
You can customize a feed to track all your fantasy players. Not sure
who to pick for your starting staff? You can put those players on your
SportSpyder list and compare all the notes on each player. A rival team
owner offers you one of his or her “stars” for some of your players?
Maybe there is something they are not telling you – then put them on your
SportSpyder team.
For $4 a month or
$35 a year you can view SportSpyder Pro and view SportSpyder AD FREE! Best of all, to sign up for the
free trial, unlike other sites, you won’t need to give them a credit card
number, just a valid e-mail address.
the site: “SportSpyder was started in Albany, NY by two brothers [Dallas and
Derek DeVries] looking for a way to get their sports news faster than anyone
else (so we could win at fantasy sports). We've been up and running since
January 2004.”
I asked Dallas how he got started:
“Really the inception was in about 2001. I was
frustrated by the number of different sites I needed to go to in order to read
Mets news. There was about 20 different places that wrote about the Mets
at that time. Blogs weren't really a thing. It was largely the
bigger news media outlets. I think the only Mets fan site I knew of was
Mets Online by Bryan Hoch who was served a cease and desist from MLB because he
was too popular. As a hobby I decided it would be fun to build a
website that linked to all the Mets news everyday and I was a bit inspired by fark.com which allowed users to
submit links everyday. So I registered metsny.com and built out a PHP website that would allow
people to submit Mets news links that I could approve."
"At the start
I manually went in and submitted all the links myself and over time as it got
more popular others would help submit links to the point where I didn't have to
do much anymore. At some point I realized I could automate the whole
process by crawling and parsing out specific websites and the new Mets articles
would show up within minutes of posting. This was a game changer and I
realized I could build out a framework and do this for every team. In
2003 we started building and released SportSpyder.com and then incorporated in
You both have to be big sports fans to put something like this together.
What are your favorite teams?
DD: I'm a huge Mets fan. It may sound strange but I
don't really have any other favorite teams and my brother is not even a big
sports fan. I do enjoy sports in general and love to take in live games
at all levels above high school. The other thing that played a role in
the site development was just to learn new technology as young computer
scientists. It's a lot of fun to solve problems with technology that
others find useful and learn new things while doing it. I've
certainly learned a lot more about sports than I ever would have
How has the site grown over the years? Did you always have as many sports
or did you start with Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey and grow from
DD: “We began with the Mets at metsny.com and then started with all the teams from the
MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA when we migrated to SportSpyder. Next we added college
sports and eventually MLS and Premier League. A few years ago I worked on
adding various sports that are not regional based such as tennis, MMA, boxing,
golf, Nascar etc. This hasn't gotten a lot of traction as of yet so I may
have to rethink my approach for how to better engage the user with how I
present the content.”

“The site has definitely evolved over the years.
There has been a significant shift from almost 100% media based news to a
huge amount of fan content. Sources like the NYPost would write about a
few articles for the Mets on any given day and then Metsblog came along and was
doing 15 different posts a day. I had to restructure things to bring them
to the users in a more digestible way where they were not overwhelmed by one
source. Twitter has also made a big impact on sports news.
Integrating Twitter was huge for bringing the users the latest
information about their team immediately. Many people don't want to
try to figure out how to use Twitter and we curate the sports personalities for
you so you can follow along during games, drafts, trade deadlines, free agency
and more.”
“Our user growth has been almost completely organic over
time. People found us through word of mouth or stumbled upon us from a
search engine. We started small and have grown to about 20k users per day. It has been fun to take an idea, turn it into a hobby and
grow it into my full time job as of 2.5 years ago.”
What is the most “exotic” or “niche” sport that you carry?
DD: "It's not really a "sport" but I added
"Magic The Gathering" as sort of an eSport only because I like it and
I had a framework to easily do it. I would say MMA but thats' pretty
mainstream these days!"
Do you have plans to add more sports or features in the future?
DD: “My brother
is finally joining me full time in 3 weeks so hopefully we can do some really
cool things in the upcoming year.”
“One thing
we started looking at building is integrating a sports podcasting
aggregation feature. Podcasts in general have grown so much in the last
few years and I have seen an explosion in sports podcasts including the
Mets. We already started a very simplistic integration several months ago
but plan on doing a deeper dive in finding all the sports podcasts we can
and building some features around it.”
“I'll probably continue to add more college teams that I'm
missing as well as some more European soccer leagues/teams. If there is a
strong enough interest in any sport I will look at ways to get it added.”
“I'm very interested in evolving my current Sport pages like
"MLB". I would actually like to bring back more crowd sourced
or curated lists for these sport pages that I could also integrate into my team
pages so people can get their favorite team news but also a taste of
interesting things happening in the sport.”
“Of course managing 4500 different new sources and 7000
Twitter sport personalities will continually keep me busy but I'm always trying
to think of new things I can do to give users a better experience on how they
get their sports news. Ideally, we can put the same concept to use
outside of sports as well.”
Thank you Dallas for your time and thank you Dallas and
Derek for one amazing site.
As I say
each day on the Mets Breakfast links:
Hi John - I am a bit backed up right now, so I just skimmed this - theirs is a great service.
Do all of Macks Mets articles automatically get onto SprotsSpyder?
Yes they do Tom as well as just about every other Mets related blog.
So we are spydered?
Yes, I guess you could say that.
You bring my inner geek roaring to the surface as I always am fascinated by the origin stories behind sites we tend to rely upon regularly. Thank you for providing the background.
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