
The 7th Annual Mack's Mets Holiday Donations Begging Post

We continue with the third in a series of three yearly posts reminding all of you that you can go to the right side of this site, scroll down, and find a donations link to Paypal.

We ask for donations three times a year, plus we always bring the Mack's Mets revenue up to date:

The donations received in 1991 are:    Request #1:  $ 0.00     Request #2:  $ 35.00   Total:  $35.00

Mack's Mets has also received $661.50 in 2011 in ad revenue.

Total income/revenue for 2011:  $ 666.50

Thank you for your consideration. Happy Holidays and God Bless.



Anonymous said...

Don't know how that could be Mack.

I sent something Oct 10th via PayPal

Hope it made it into your acct.

Mack Ade said...

If this is Ira, you are correct. I got your $25 and I thank you...

I only had one other donation all year and that was $10 on October 13th