
Dirty Laundry

1.     We lost another of our great Mack’s Mets writers. Michael Jawitz, better known as ‘Grubby Glove’ returns exclusively to his own blog.  Michael’s ongoing feature on Mets baseball cards was very enjoyable and it will be sorely missed.

2.     This past Monday was the second highest ‘hit’ day in the history of the site. The first came two years ago on draft day. It also was the day I put up the most original material, so much that my mind shut down around eight o’clock that night and I was unable to finish the minor league report I publish every morning at 8am. I am the victim of a previous brain injury which has left me with a few annoying aftereffects.  One involves the limit I can use it each day. I always tell people I try not to make any decisions after 3pm because they usually turn out wrong. These are all brain-related things I must live with. Anyway, thanks for the ‘hits’ and we’ll try and load the site with more original posts.

3.     Speaking of original posts, they tend to come from original writers, and here at Mack’s Mets, we are always looking for new ones that can live on an assigned schedule. You don’t even have to be a Mets fan here. All you need is some knowledge of baseball, the ability of posting your thoughts without a picture of two girls kissing each other (inside joke), and the organizational skills to adhere to a minimum of three posts a month. We look for writers that can write a weekly column but they are becoming very rare. Anyway, email me at: macksmets@gmail.com or call 843-683-0376 to discus how you can become part of Mack’s Mets

4.  THIS IS IMPORTANT... I'm still trying to figure out if the readers here want me to continue to post the press releases I recive from the minor league teams that break out the results of the previous day's games.  I post four of these each morning, as a cut and past operation.  No other Mets blog does this and some of them think I shouldn't, but the teams supply them to me and I'm trying to please YOU, not the head of another blog. Sooo... I'm putting up a new poll and I'd like you to answer the question so I know what direction YOU, the reader, wants this site to go.

5.     Lastly, we’re less than two weeks away from the draft. I have tested my ability in the past few years by rapid posting as much as I could as each pick was announced. I’m mentally unable to do that anymore. Instead, I will have a separate post for each of the players picked by the New York Mets, and have a daily recap about the total picks in general. We had planned to have some more ‘Q and A’ posts with certain players, but they have not followed through on their promises. Whatever. It’s money time and who gives a shit about the old dude that was the only person to write about you for two years… got that, Darius?

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