
Two Cents Tuesday: June 18th - "A Double Feature of the Future"

Mets fans have been waiting for Zack Wheeler to make his Major league debut about as impatiently as possible even though we all knew that his debut would align along with the dollar signs. Well, finally the wait is over. Wheeler is expected to make his first start at Turner Field and the hype could not be higher. Take it from me, I have understood and embraced the Super 2 deadline approach more willingly than most, but being swept by the Marlins twice tends to have a crippling effect on your patience. Just ask Terry Collins.

Collins took his frustrations out through three demotions and promotions as we all know by now, but those moves might be adding more gasoline to this dumpster fire of a season. Josh Satin, Colin Cowgill and Josh Edgin have had little to no success during their time in pro ball and I would be lying to you if I said I was excited about the additions. The promotion of Zack Wheeler however, has a feeling of relief to it.

Relief will come in the sense that we can finally see what the kid is made of. It will come with every strikeout and every quality start that we have been waiting for since the trading of Carlos Beltran. That trade feels like forever ago and now we finally have something to show for it. June 18th is a double header stemming from a previous rain out and I couldn't be happier about it. Zack Wheeler and Matt Harvey on the same day? Sign me up.

Our Golden Boys will perform side by side. A double feature of the future that will hopefully display the makings of something great. Watching a Mets doubleheaders is normally considered masochism. On this day, we give way to hedonism no matter how you see this team right now. 
The two pitchers who will hopefully be carrying this team for years to come will be brought together. Two "saviors" who won't really be saving anything this year because there isn't anything to salvage or repair. These two will not turn this team around. You need some semblance of an offense to complement your pitchers and the Mets have none at the moment. As Harvey's no decisions keep mounting because the run support is deficient, I suspect the same for Wheeler. He isn't going to win a lot of games. He isn't going to change the culture. I know a lot of you see this move as being the catalyst of something bigger. Please don't peg all your hopes and dreams on him just yet. That is a long way away. 

This season is done. Wheeler is just the first and most promising call up and he will be followed by others after the All Star Break. The way this team has been shaken up, it is likely that players are going to be given their last shot to really make their mark or be pushed aside for replacements by that time. Jordany Valdespin better make the most of his time at second base or else Wilmer Flores will get a deserved call to the majors. Jack Leathersich is another who seems like a prime candidate for promotion just to see what the hell he can do. (Can we promote this guy on this site any more?). 

Their time will come. Zack Wheeler's time is now. I hope he just goes out there and owns it. No pressure, kid. Just give us another reason to watch and I'll be more than happy. 


Reese Kaplan said...

I must admit I was surprised to read Collins' plan was to play Valdespin at 2nd and move Murphy to 1st. I thought Murphy, while no Doug Flynn with the glove, was not embarrassing himself there. I had thought that Satin and Turner would be battling for 1B. I didn't think they'd move Duda.

Who knows what the current thinking is? With Tejada thrown under the bus by Alderson yesterday can they possibly be thinking of Flores at SS again????

Mack Ade said...

I'm not sure any of this is TC's plan, nor do I think anyone has thought out more than a "let's demote a few" and "who do we call up".

Promoting Josh Edgin at this point in his lost season shows the lack of sense all of this makes. None of these moves serves the future. They just are designed to shake up who remains.

There's only around 5-6 players not under the bus right now.

Anonymous said...

If Murphy plays first base, I would think that he is being show cased for a trade. Flores will never play ss again but his bat can play at second.

Mack Ade said...

I think the only reason Murphy is playing 1B is to give the Mets an opportunity to see Valdespin on 2B... it may be Spin that is being showcased.

Anonymous said...

What could he bring back? Murphy is a doubles machine put him with some young arms and that is we're you get a good outfielder

Mack Ade said...

I have no idea what he can bring back... I only know that the only reason Murphy is playing 1B is to allow Valdespin some reps on second.