
Macks' Mets - expanding!

I’d like to welcome Chris Urena as a new writer to Mack’s Mets.    Chris’s writing was found by Tom on the LFGM facebook page and he alerted me to see if I could find out if Chris was a free agent.   Apparently there is no qualifying offer attached.   I contacted Chris and he has now accepted the invitation to become an author for Mack’s. 

On the facebook group, Chris has recently been posting a ‘Top 50 Mets of All Time’ series.   Great stuff.  Worth a look.

On the personal side, Chris is adding some youth to the site being in his mid-thirties, and is married to a Yankee fan.  Hopefully Chris has the power to guide his one year old son to the right side.     

He comes from a baseball family as his father tried out with the Mets as a shortstop back in the 80’s.   Chris has played the game throughout his life – high school and college ball with a potential professional career unfortunately cut short by injuries sustained in a car accident. 

He currently is working as a Local 3 electrician, spending his spare time rooting for the Mets.    

So Welcome! to the blogspot, Chris!   I always look forward to reading other people’s opinions and visions.   



Tom Brennan said...

Having read Chris’ knowledgeable, well thought out posts on FB, I am looking forward to his articles right here on this terrific site. Chris, welcome aboard.

Reese Kaplan said...

We'll hold off on evaluating his judgment since he married into the OTHER side 😄

Paul Articulates said...

I agree with Tom - that was some great work on LFGM. Looking forward to some great insights here.

Mack Ade said...


nickel7168 said...

Tom will always be my favorite.

Gary Seagren said...

Welcome young man and be sure to work in yearly raises in your salary as Mack is a savy negotiator so know your worth ahead of time.