Although I don't hear a great deal, when I do hear something, I listen.
I'm hearing...
...that the pressure to promote Dom Smith came not only from fans, and from management, but maybe even had ownership wondering aloud about the lack of promotion reached Sandy Alderson. Reluctant to criticize, ownership still has ways to be heard. That "roster space was cleared" is nonsense; Jay Bruce was an outfielder, causing Alderson to say "he did play first base..." unnecessarily.
...that the Mets, as leadership decides now, are not going to make a serious attempt to sign Jay Bruce in spite of his home runs, RBIs and his leadership in the club house.
...that the line up of Michael Conforto batting fourth met with the approval of El Potencia but not necessarily others who feel that this may not be the best strategy to win, or to plan on winning in 2018. Some feel that this is the perfect time to develop players and strategy for winning next year.

...that Nimmo might not see much time in August unless the team makes a trade for Grandy. Otherwise, it is September until Nimmo gets any meaningful playing time other than pinch hitting. Even at this, Terry Collins thinks that some of his pitchers are good bets at pinch hitting, even over regulars.
...that Jay Bruce may not have been deeply enamored with the way such decisions were made, nor was he impressed at the lack of leadership shown by Mets management in allowing for a divided club house.
...that more than a few Mets were behind Bruce about putting the best team out there, which, for Bruce, included Rosario.
...that Sandy Alderson and Terry Collins may have been less than pleased with Bruce's assertions about getting the most productive players out there, including youth, than just playing vets. This may be what was behind Bruce's public statement about "all of us" wanting to see Rosario get the playing time.
...that Grandy did not voice anything but support for young players, including Nimmo and did not advocate for himself to be in the line up.
...that although Michael Conforto is, according to Keith Hernandez and most others, the Mets best and most natural third slot hitter, El Potencia is reportedly "less" brooding with Conforto protecting him in the fourth slot, rather than the other way around.
...that no matter how many home runs Wilmer Flores hits, he does not get to find a regular line up position until Cabrera has a new home or is back to the DL.
...that no matter how poorly Neil Walker hits and how much shuffling they must do, he will stay in the line up. His salary, the ghost of Daniel Murphy, and Collins' need of veteran support in the club house, demand it.
Good stuff. Lots of hearing.
Bruce exited gracefully. But if Cleveland offers him the same package as the Mets might this off-season, then we'll know how he really feels. He of course would excel in pinstripes and short porches.
I 100% believe that bit about granderson.
Who is brandonnimmo not playing?
Anyone know?
Anonymous -
If I was Nimmo, I wouldn't take this personally.
TC will never embarrass veterans by benching them, even in a season lost.
I'm sure Granderson will be gone soon and Nimmo will get mote at-bats
It boggles the mind why Nimmo's not playing AND he was Sandy first #1 pick very strange.
Thanks Mack and Gary. I'm still trying to understand why they were going to start comforto in the minors now bat him four and why Flores has to watch Neil walker play first. Mack I think what you say about Collins makes sense.
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